University Testing

  Our Products Have Been Tested By Universities

  with Amazing Results! Please check out below.

 Our PLP Liquid Formula have been tested by major universities in the entomology field. From mosquitoes, and no-see-ums to russet mites. The amazing results of each test are below!

PLP Liquid Formula was tested by Virginia Tech for russet mites. These pests produces major damage to hemp crops. One of the professors directing the test at Virginia Tech was amazed how well PLP Liquid Formula performed against other large agricultural companies products.

Two tests were performed by find New Mexico State University for the efficacy of our PLP Liquid Formula as a mosquito repellent. One test was performed in a wind tunnel with an actual human volunteer and the other test was a y-shaped tube.

In both cases our product’s performance as a mosquito repellent was excellent.

The University of Florida has performed several tests on the PLP Natural Products. The first report below is of our PLP Granular Formula. This was tested for mosquito efficacy in a nursery packing house and to quote the report “PLP was 100% effective!”

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